Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lent -- Day 8 of 40 (a busy spring break)

Yesterday, Rob had his gall bladder removed and it blows my mind a little bit that he had an organ removed from his body (albeit laproscopically) and we were in and out of there in 4 hours flat. I mean, left home at 7:45, drove an hour, had surgery, drove the hour back home and he was back in bed by 2:00. I little scary, but he is feeling good and hasn’t had too many crazy notions since being home, just sleep and pain meds. He’s all nestled snug in his bed while visions of … dance in his head. SO thankful for all the calls and texts and visits we have gotten yesterday and today. We are truly blessed by wonderful friends and church family!
Two of my favorite verses when it comes to special people in our life:
"Sweet friendships nourish the soul" Proverbs 27:9
"I thank my God each time I remember you" Philippians 1:3

 And since it’s spring break and Rob was having surgery, the children have been at his parents and it’s been crazy quiet on Spring Avenue. Ready to see those three tomorrow.

I have started a few sewing projects and got these beauties delivered yesterday:


 We already have a massive “Meyer” waiting to make some freshly squeezed lemonade!

And our yard is starting to bloom and spring is certainly in the air (and will be until tonight when it is 28 degrees again…aaaahhhhh!!). Our Japanese magnolia tree is on the verge of blooming and I am hoping it doesn’t meet its untimely death.

Daffodils and quince make me so happy – I guess it was fun while it lasted.


 Since we were in a waiting room most of the day and got home with a groggy husband and a quiet house, I finished Melanie Shankle's other book, “Sparkly Green Earrings,” and it was wonderful. All about the joys of Motherhood – so many truths. I laughed out loud and cried big ole tears. I finished the book and walked back to check on Rob and he said, “Have you been crying?” Of course I have…don’t you know me by now.

Also started 40 Day prayer challenge today and about to write out some life goals. Praying for wisdom...

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