Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fits of Mercy

I love my kids, I really do but sometimes, somedays, they can suck the life out me and I have to laugh (and want to cry). Mary Flynn has taken to some “doozy” fits of epic proportions. You tell her “No,” (or yes for that matter) and well, all you know what can break loose! Yes, I know she is 2 and learning to make her own decisions but GEEZ!!! Rob looked at me the other day and said, “I’m taking the spawn to school.”
Saturday night, after a busy day of birthday parties, birthday dinners, and a visit with some friends (with no nap, mind you) we start home at around 10 p.m. This sweet little angel baby two year old starting screaming in the car. Luke, who was also exhausted, had complained of a headache, so when her screaming got to decibels even the deaf dogs could hear, so did his. At that point all you can do is laugh, and pray that we all get home in one piece because no spanking, words, or life lesson would work at that point, and a 5 year old and 2 year old with no nap, who are used to going to bed at 8! What ensued when we got home was something out of a horror movie.
I couldn’t believe my two year old could cry, scream, writhe, say “no”, pull out her own hair, and kick that much and for that long. GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN ABOVE – HAVE MERCY! She gave a whole new meaning to “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” At one point I looked at her and said, “Mary Flynn, I am going to win.” To which her daddy said, “She doesn’t know what that means,” and starts laughing. And he was probably thinking to himself, “A 2-year old and an only child who likes to get her way (which is me, in case you didn’t know) – now this should be interesting.”
Finally after promises of books, movies, etc., none of which worked, I decided to bed we would go and I was going with her to make sure we laid this hit to rest – PUN INDENDED! Laying there in her bed I looked at my sweet baby trying for the 100th time to make her way out of her bed to get away from me. Screaming, crying, and kicking, “Let me go, Let me out.” And I told her that I loved her and started patting her back. I felt like I had gone 8 rounds with Mike Tyson when she finally closed those big blue eyes and gave up. And at that moment, I realized that only a mother could love a child during and throughout a colossal meltdown like that. And a thought occurred to me: “This must be how God feels when I continue to push Him away. Crying, kicking and screaming, wanting my way – just like a 2-year old. Trying to do things myself and my way and throwing big ole fits when I don’t get it! And He says, “I have already won and I know what is best for you my child.” And what peace I would feel if I would just give it (whatever it is) over to Him and let Him do His thing. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO DO THIS! Why would I want to keep these burdens on myself when He is there to take them! Help me Lord not to fight but to listen and do what you call me to do.
And this verse from came to mind. Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

In a conversation with a friend we were talking about this and she said, “Let’s just give lay it at His feet and go have fun!” Now fun might not always be the way we feel, but it sure is nice to lighten our load and give it up to Him. A lesson both Mary Flynn and I are learning together…at 2 and 32 (sounds better than 35)! J

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