Well our Easter Sunday was such a lovely day! Our service at church was just beautiful -- all the songs and the sermon were straight from the mouth of God. Both of the BBs came to the service since we release butterflies afterwards. We brought home the butterflies several weeks ago when they were still caterpillars and watched them form the cocoons, then they became butterflies a few days before Easter. After the service the entire congregation goes out onto the front steps of the church and we release the butterflies and have the benediction. It's such a symbolic little ceremony and fun for all the children too! Here are some pictures of the BBs before church around our beautiful cross and then after church with their butterflies:
My little cheeser
Precious thing
Feed this little boy some Gummy Saver Bunnies and Eggs and he is set for AWHILE ( like literally he ate the whole bag that was in his Easter basket in one sitting)
Such a cute picture of Haley -- Reed not so much...already over pictures...
About to release the butterflies!

So so beautiful!
Had to try one more time to get a family picture -- is it this hard for everyone?
Mimi and Charles with BBs (notice the tears streaming down Reed's face--done.with.pictures.)
Our Easter Table -- had a kids table too but they never even came inside.
Imagine trying to get 5 little boys hyped up on Easter candy -- minus Luke who was napping -- inside to eat. They were having too much fun playing outside together.
Reed put on EVERY Silly Band that came in the pack. They were actually cutting off the circulation in his arms. When he saw them in his Easter Basket, he said, "OH MY GOSH!!!! SILLY BANDS!!!" with more excitement that I have every heard him use.
We had so so so much fun being together this Easter and are so blessed to have such wonderful families! Terry and Laura, Shannon, Lee, Will, Ben, and Charlie -- come back soon! We love you!
I will always be his #1 cheerleader!
Okay -- so onto the storm story -- many of you know our "beloved" Beagle Lilly. Well she HATES bad weather (so much so that we have to medicate her) and it just so happened that a terrible storm came through while we were visiting Rob's parents. Laura called us Saturday morning as we were getting ready to head back and this was what I heard:
Rob: "Yes...well, that's fine...she wasn't there?...no, I'm sorry...we will see it when we get home...
Well it ended up that Lilly had gotten scared of the weather and at about 2 a.m. she dug out of her fence and ran down to L & Ts house and started barking at their front door. L brought her back (twice) and closed off the dog door with Lilly inside thinking she would come back in the morning to let her out. When she got up to our house Saturday morning Lilly was no where in sight and this is what she found:
Lilly had CLAWED her way through the door!!!
This is shards of the door all over the room.
Blocking the hole with a 24-pack of diet Mt. Dews until we can get the new door -- pretty ghetto fab, huh?Come to find out, my mother had gone up there about 5 a.m. since she knows Lilly's psychosis. Lilly had apparently clawed her way out of the door and was just hanging out in our yard. Mama took her back to her house and Laura didn't know mama had been there. Anyway, we figured out she was safe then dealt with the damage. So now, we're getting a new back door!!! Still can't believe she clawed right through the door...crazy dog...
Loving spring and being outside -- looking forward to a wonderful spring with my three boys!
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