Little BB decided he would help me in the kitchen!!!
We had some Oreos left over from something and I thought it would make some Oreo Balls. The recipe came from my sweet friend, and wonderful cook, Debbie. So here it goes:
Crush Oreos (I used a large meet mallet -- kinda fun!)
Next, mix with 2 blocks of cream cheese (I sent Rob to the store and he got fat free --- by "mistake" I am SURE)!!!
Then you mix everything together and roll it into balls (I put mine on a cookie sheet). The little BBs and I all tasted (and wore) the batter and we couldn't even tell the cream cheese was Fat Free -- YAY!! Next, put them in the freezer for a couple hours until hard.
Big BB tore himself away from our marathon of home movies (will post about that tomorrow -- hilarious!) to see if he could lend his stirring services -- this turned into little bits of oreo all over the kitchen PLUS a sweeping session. Next Big BB decided he wanted to take pics of me with our very nice camera -- I may have promised him his own camera at this point, I can't remember. Okay, now back to our recipe:
Next, take chocolate almond bark and melt it in a saucepan over low heat (follow package directions -- says it takes about 8 minutes).
AND...........WAL-LAAA ----- OREO BALLS -- and let me just say, they are YUMMY (even with the ff cream cheese).
On to BLAKE -- Blake Mycoskie, that is, founder and cheif shoe giver of TOMS SHOES. Just found these pics on my camera from the night he spoke at State (brought to you by the Ladies of Delta Gamma, whom I am one of the advisors for). He is a doll and has a wonderful story www.tomsshoes.com
The above picture is of Blake at the DG house. Anyway, will post more on his visit later!!! Just thought y'all might enjoy the "eye-candy" on this Tuesday!
Just love it! Sorry 'Bubba' will have to wait until tomorrow night to see it . . . She called from 'golden eagle' town to say they were having a great time. Charles